Education News Unleashed

Clinton Turns Spotlight On Performance

President Clinton has issued an executive order calling on federal education officials to assist states and districts in improving underperforming schools. As part of a two-day tour, the president visited schools across the country to showcase successful education reforms and …

Education News Unleashed

5 Essential Ingredients For Effective Tutoring

Numerous school districts have utilized their COVID-relief funds to implement tutoring initiatives, whether in-person, online, or hybrid, to address the exacerbated achievement gaps caused by the pandemic. However, some districts have not witnessed the desired outcomes. This was the case …

Education News Unleashed

Michael Metcalf Obituary

Michael Metcalf, a distinguished numismatist who passed away at 85, had a keen understanding of the quantitative significance of medieval coins long before historians or other experts in numismatics appreciated it. In the 1960s, Michael conducted a detailed study of …

Education News Unleashed

I Think, Therefore I Earn

Philosophy graduates have long been asked the question, "What are you going to do with that degree?" Yet, recent statistics demonstrate that these graduates can do almost anything they want. The Higher Education Statistics Agency notes that philosophy graduates are …